As a citizen of the 21st century,
you should be able to

  • Understand the world in which we live and be aware of how integrated societies are and behave responsibly in your community.

  • Get involved in local, national and international change, maintaining a critical eye and commitment to the collective welfare.

  • Recognize that decisions made in one part of the world affect us all and contribute to the construction of a more just, peaceful, tolerant, inclusive, safe and sustainable society.

  • Promote sustainable development, the culture of peace and human rights, being an active agent in society and the community, participating in politics, community activities and in the care and improvement of the environment. Use information, technology and social networks in an ethical, responsible and critical manner.

  • Be aware of and analyze seriously the local, global and intercultural problems that exist around the world, as well as understand the political system in which you are inserted, your rights and obligations.

  • Respect and value diversity, collaborating with people from different cultures and socioeconomic contexts to find creative and transformative solutions that benefit all.

  • Evolve and adapt to changes in society and the world.

  • Ability to recognize global issues and their interconnectedness with local issues
  • Ability to recognize and share universal values and respect human rights
  • Ability to identify commonalities and differences across cultures, and communicate and collaborate with others
  • Ability to understand, adapt, and be open to the importance and value of diversity
  • Global knowledge and awareness of the history, politics, religion, and major environmental issues of different cultures
  • Critically examine contemporary issues of local, global, and intercultural significance
  • Ability to manage complexity and uncertainty
  • Foreing language fluency
  • Ability to identify injustice and disparities at local, national, and global levels
  • Ability to recognize your responsibility and contribution to global-related matters
  • Ability to combate stereotypes of any kind
  • Ability to recognize the interdependence to others, to society, and to the environment (sustainable development)
  • Recognizing local, state, national, and global community issues and responding through actions and positive engagement such as volunteerism, political activism, community participation, and trasnational work
  • Ability to get involved in civic organizations, political voice, civic activismM
  • Ability to actively connect with people from different cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Ability to act upon a cause
  • Ability to get actively involved in local, national and global issues

Sources: Based on a review of existing frameworks
(Morais & Ogden, 2011; Reysen & Katzarska-Miller, 2013; Oxfam, 2006; OECD, 2018; UNESCO, 2015).


Rethinking digital citizenship

Kid, you posted WHAT?! How to raise a digital citizen

Digital Citizenship

Ciudadanía global

La ciudadanía digital: riesgos y oportunidades.

Digital for Good: Raising Kids to Thrive in an Online World




21st century skills help individuals of all ages to reinvent themselves throughout life, adapt to changing and diverse circumstances, and identify opportunities for growth amid differences.


What are these skills?