#Skills21 in the context of COVID-19

Given the urgency and importance of #skills21 today, we have a blog series around COVID-19 where key actors from the field of education have shared their experience in response to the pandemic. Together, we will help to navigate this situation through a sequence of contributions that will include different perspectives. We address the relevance of #skills21 precisely in a context of crisis. In our first blog of the series, we explain the purpose and motivation. If you are interested in #skills21 and want to learn more about how to take advantage of confinement and better prepare for post-COVID-19 life, we invite you to participate and follow our blog series on education and #skills21 in times of coronavirus

  • Maria Garrido, Elena Heredero, Mariel Sabra

  • Liliana Serrano

Efecto Paco 21

October 30, 2020
  • Jack Buckley

  • Zeina Fayyaz

  • Marjo Kyllönen 

  • Casandra Woodall

  • Yolanda Ramos 

  • Marie Lou Papazian

  • Pegor Papazian

  • Rodrigo Kon

  • Francisco Ruiz

  • Desirée Denaro

  • Carmen Pellicer

  • Simon Menendez

El sentido de aprender

June 18, 2020
  • Laura Becerra

  • Nichole Saad

  • Edna Medina

  • Rodulfo Prieto

  • Danny Gilliland

Education in crisis

May 12, 2020
  • Angela Duckworth

  • Jeremy Auger

  • Mercedes Mateo