Skills for Life #Skills21

In this skill for life series of blogs, we will look at each one of the 20 skills that we consider critical to deal with a changing world full of uncertainties and those we prioritized in the 21st century Skills initiative. We will also share true embodiment voices and examples of a citizen with 21st century skills and an inspiration for our audience in Latin-American and the Caribbean. Read and learn more from our experts. Discover how you can practice these skills in your work and life, and how they are measured.

  • María Loreto Biehl

  • Liliana Serrano Pájaro

  • Harry Anthony Patrinos

  • Valentina Gimenez

  • JungKyu Rhys Lim

  • Liliana Serrano,Brisa Ceccon and Luisina Ferrante

  • Alejandro Adler

  • Robert E. McGrath.

  • Liliana Serrano, JungKyu Rhys Lim and Cecilia Rodríguez

  • Liliana Serrano,Brisa Ceccon and Luisina Ferrante

  • Mercedes Mateo

  • Diana Trujillo

Perseverancia llega a Marte

February 18, 2021