Personalized Greater learning opportunities Agile Timely support tailored to each student Cost effective Simple and scalable technology & Develop skills Foundational and socioemotional
At the IDB, we promote the development of remote tutoring pilots to accelerate learning as part of the educational recovery strategy in the region. We have supported 8 jurisdictions in the region to develop tutoring models adapted to their contexts and realities.
Remote tutorials to accelerate learning
"Now that I go to school every day I learn more." Aspirations and realities in the new educational normality
Mendoza students will receive support in mathematics through telephone tutorials
The Inter-American Development Bank supports learning recovery in Guanajuato
Regional meeting # 1. How to accelerate learning in the region? Remote tutoring as a cost-effective tool
Regional meeting # 2. Remote tutoring in Latin America: Consolidate alliances to accelerate learning
Acelerar aprendizajes: TutorĂas remotas para potenciar el vĂnculo con los estudiantes e involucrar a la familia